Northwest Access Television is proud to present the 11th Annual Northwest Nightmares Film Festival! Join us on October 30th at the Welden Theatre in St. Albans for a frightfully fun time as we premiere locally made mini horror masterpieces on the big screen! Afterwards head down to Twiggs Restaurant for an awards ceremony and after-party! Be sure to visit nwnightmares.com for all of the bloody details!
Where/when: Monday October 30th 6PM at the Welden Theatre in St. Albans, VT
Tickets: 10$ Online or at the door ticket link (pre-sale starts Sept. 30!):

Filmmakers! This is for you!
You can start submitting your films via Film Freeway on September 30th, and the DEADline to submit is October 13th!

If this is your first entry be sure to check out the rules and details here.
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