October 2020: Northwest Nightmares has wrapped up for this season, and what a season it was!  While the film count was low, the scares, production value and overall quality were some of the best this festival has seen.  From monsters in the garden, to the vast emptiness of space, this year’s festival was filled with great scares, and great films. And adding in the filmmaker’s Q and A after each showing was a great addition as well, one that I suspect will make an appearance again.  Congratulations to all of the entrants on an amazing year!

From the bottom of my heart, thanks for watching—it means a lot. I hope you enjoy the films as much as I do.

Next year?

It’s never too early to start making a film for the festival. If you’re interested in submitting your work in 2021, consider visiting our submissions page—everything you need to know is there.

Until next year, friends.

Best Picture: Meals On Heels

Best Horror: Meals On Heels

Best Special Effects: Mothership

Best Cinematography: Meals On Heels

Best Editing: Meals On Heels

Best Acting: The Sugaring

Best Costume Design: Meals On Heels

Best Creative Design: Meals On Heels

Best Screenplay: Garden’s Revenge

Best Makeup: Meals On Heels

Best Sound: Meals On Heels

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