July 26:  Hello horror fans!  Alan here.  I just wanted to give you an update on some upcoming events and fun projects leading up to the big premiere night, Monday October 25th at the Welden Theatre!  First up is the new Northwest Nightmares Film Fest Podcast.  Get caught up on the details on the festival, hear interviews with former filmmakers, and maybe pick up some hints and tips along the way 👻
Find us wherever you listen to podcasts, or click this handy Spotify link to get right to it!

But Wait!  There’s More!

ALSO new this year, we have a Discord server!  Head over and join up to talk shop with fellow local horror auteurs.  We will also be hosting our first webinar this Thursday, July 29th, at 6:30pm, right in the Discord server,  And don’t fret if you miss it, it will be available on-demand as well:


Be sure to check out the blog page at nwnightmares.com or follow us on the usual social channels to stay up to date.

2021 is shaping up to be an INCREDIBLE year for Northwest Nightmares.  We would like to thank our current sponsors, the Vermont Surrogacy Network, Twiggs Restaurant, and Northwest Access Television for their continued support.  If you would like to become a sponsor, email info@northwestaccess.tv for more info.
  Thank you again for your continued support, we hope you enjoy making and watching these as much as we do!
Stay Spooky 👻

Alan Cunningham
Event Organizer

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